The Best 20 Bonding Activities For Married Couples

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I am a very playful person by default and I’m glad I found someone who is even more playful than myself. My dating days were fun because in most cases I dated people who were my friends and so laughing, playing and even teasing each other was a part of the mix.

We could sit talking for hours about anything possible and I found bonding came along naturally as we got deeper into the relationship. Can you imagine a relationship where partners live separate lives doing their own thing? Being a couple and being separate can snuff life out of any relationship.

No garden can grow without being watered, no venture can succeed without some level of work, how much more is a relationship left to itself without tending? We were never made to do life alone, that’s why family relationships exist. You cannot function properly as an individual when there is no bond with your mate.

What happens to secrets that ought to be shared, intimate moments that include lovemaking and show of care? Couple relationships are a vital part of social development as it is the basis for other relationships to spring up yet it could be depressing to find out that most couples find their relationships boring and less satisfying.

As the level of satisfaction in a relationship decreases, so also the willingness to work towards resolving problems in the relationships reduces, when dissatisfaction increases, separation, heartbreak and even divorce could set in.

fun things for couples to do at home

Couple Bonding refers to the level of satisfaction couples enjoy in a relationship and this can be achieved by engaging in several bonding activities for couples that you could develop into a couple of routines.

This may sound strange but work and play are areas that can be explored to get the couple bond you desire. It’s been proven that when couples play, they are nourished physically and emotionally which adds some kind of life to the relationship because it reflects in every area of their lives.

For example, you will begin to communicate better, resolve your conflicts easily and also put some stability in your relationship. Some bonding activities for couples could include being playful with your partner, using nicknames or jokes and mock fights too.

It also involves finding time to relax together and trying new things. Bonding is key to any successful marriage. It is therefore not surprising that a greater majority of couples who are contemplating marriage or are getting ready for marriage start off being very bonded.

Marriage itself is a socially designed institution but you will need biological inputs if you desire to remain partners. Lovemaking and bonding are both natural rewards for efforts partners have put into their relationship.

couples activities at home

Humans can be classified under a group of less than 5% of mammals called pair bonders which have the structures in their brain that let them mate for life and just like the swans, be socially monogamous. For this reason, we can bond for a long period of time such that two caregivers or partners can bring up their young.

For most couples, the unexpected vulnerability of their initial attachment is a cause for concern. It is dangerous for partners to assume that their connection will certainly be strong as ever just because they love each other. Love is never enough. Partners have to be intentional by putting in conscious efforts to strengthen their union or bond which is one of the reasons why bonding activities for couples is very necessary.

Without these efforts, the strength of any union will tend to crumble as time goes on whether it was desired or not and this puts your marriage on a knife-edge.

Research has shown that the first few years of marriage tend to be the most likely period for divorce and infidelity. The common complaint from couples is that all of a sudden there seems to be no more spark. Some may agree to still love one another but they seem to have grown apart or no longer in love.

In order to get the spark back, some couples prioritize raising kids while others decide on putting away the kids for some time. This doesn’t solve much because though partners may stay together because of kids, however, their bond is diluted due to the fact that their attachment to their kids displaces their connection to each other. Partners, therefore, need to sort out effective ways to bring back the ‘mojo’ of their relationship.

romantic couples activities

Most persons already have some form of defense systems before adulthood and thus exist in a psychological world they created which they do not wish to distort. These persons could be friendly towards casual acquaintances but when it comes to more intimate relationships, there seems to be typically an obvious decline or deterioration in their quality of relating with partners over time.

This is because as the relationship gets more intimate, personal fondness or attachments tend to break through the defense systems and thus disrupt the emotional or psychological equilibrium already created. Incompatibility and conflicts ensue as each partner would want to preserve their own defense systems while still striving to remain in the relationship.

These situations have caused some to have a fear of intimacy and yet are terrified of being alone (largely due to societal expectations). Thus each partner has to recognize the role of sacrifice and tolerance to ensure effective bonding.

From research, it was gathered that attachment styles rooted in early experiences with parents play important roles in bonding. Those whose attachment to parents is based on a comfortable balance of closeness and independence tend to be self-confident, supportive and accepting in adult relationships.

Those with cold and rejecting parental attachments have some degree of difficulty in romantic bonding because they may be less comfortable with closeness and trust, and thus find it difficult depending on others or be depended upon.

Meanwhile, those who had unreliable early attachments tend to be needy, vulnerable, obsessive, preoccupied and hardly get close to people as they would want. These ones bond easily but their relationships don’t last. It is therefore important that you understand your partner’s parental background in choosing the methods to effect stronger bonding.

The right ingredients added to your marriage can be very helpful in ensuring strong bonds amongst couples whether the marriage is good or it’s getting worse. Here are some bonding activities for couples:

couples bonding activities at home

There are some fun things for Couples to do At Home to create and intensify the bond you share with your significant half.


Bonding Activities For Couples

  • Have a movie night at home complete with popcorn, ice cream and whatever other goodies you want.
  • Start hour home project which could be rearranging or redecorating one of the rooms in your house.
  • Compose a poem, love or gratitude letter for one another.
  • Engage in a relationship or life review.
  • Create a couple’s bucket list together.


If the above exercises sound too formal, you could add a bubble bath together and oh, don’t forget the couple’s massage. You are not expecting a professional massage but it’s worth getting from your partner.

Some partners can be so uptight and want to remain in their shells but you can spice your union up by taking it outdoors and engaging in some romantic couples activities like:


Romantic Couples Activities

  • Attend a Karaoke event.
  • Visit a museum or an aquarium.
  • Take yourselves to eat in an eatery or sophisticated fast food center.
  • Go for a hike around your neighborhood.
  • Take a tour of a vineyard where you engage in planting or dressing.


Fun Things For Couples To Do At Home

  • Learn to play a musical instrument. String instruments are preferable.
  • Learn a new sport such as tennis.
  • Host a game night with friends or neighbors.
  • Play the sudoku game.
  • Engage in exercise together


In choosing games or exercises, it’s best to choose those which promote communication and exchange of ideas. Sometimes a couple loses the spark in their relationship due to the fact they have been cold towards each other and have been engaging in fewer communications. The fun games should thus promote more communication.

Fun activities aren’t just for couples who are getting bored in relationships. New couples benefit too because it helps them in getting to know each other. New partners are often too conscious of their actions and are shy and reserved around their partners because no one wants to be guilty of messing things up.

These games tend to break that barrier by loosening partners up which makes them feel secure and comfortable with each other at the end. The bonding activities for couples also help in identifying each partner’s strength and weakness. All these end up strengthening your bond.


List Of Cute Couple Things To Do

  • Plan and act on surprising a stranger with kindness. It could be done to any random person. This promotes the couple’s bond.
  • Create a book on the love story between you both.
  • Engage in deciding a family mission statement or pick a family theme.
  • Learn a foreign language.
  • You could both embark on a mystery trip.


The key to nurturing this bond is searching for what works for you as a couple and sticking to it. Start gradually and don’t try to get there with just one try, little acts enjoyed between you two can spark up an unending bond.

You could also try coming up with your own bonding activities for couples tailor-made to suit your specific need as a couple. Play like kids, create new fun memories. Doing this will go a long way to create a positive impact on your health and that of your mate.

So many couples are suffering some ailments today as a result of stress borne in marriage without any relief. Don’t also just think your bonding activity has to be tedious. Have you tried laughing with your spouse? It has been proven that laughing with your house can boost your immune system also and act as a pain killer too.

Couple play is the answer to some of the malice, silent treatment and some other issues you may be experiencing with your mate. Reach out to create your own set of unique play activities and thank me later. You have got just one life to live, enjoy it.


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Bonding activities for couples

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Author: Miriam Eugolatac

Miriam is the creator of this blog and an avid love specialist with years of relationship and marriage advice. While she is not working on her career in the real world, she loves to jump on the site and use this platform as a way to express and hopefully help other people with relationship advice.

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