35 Signs Showing Clearly You Are Emotionally Mature

In simple terms, emotional maturity refers to a person’s ability to manage and understand their emotions, regardless of the circumstances. There are clear signs that show you are an emotionally mature person. Those persons who have reached emotional maturity – or are in the process of achieving it – have acquired a level of self-understanding


30 Signs She Is a Keeper

“A man is lucky if he is the first love of a woman. A woman is lucky if she is the last love of a man,” Charles Dickens. At a certain point in life, all males start looking for that ‘last love’ Dickens talks about, a woman to stand by their side unconditionally, for better


100 Encouraging Words For Husband

Everyone needs a hand. We all need a raise in life. Life can be challenging with so many ups and downs especially having to juggle between love, life and family. Hard times will definitely show up and it is in times like these that encouraging word for husband comes in handy. It is true that


10 Important Marriage Advice For Newlyweds

The wedding is over, the suit and wedding dress have been folded away and neatly tucked into a box. The honeymoon phase is over also and the candlelight dinners have reduced or even stopped taking place. What next? You are beginning to settle in together and facing reality. I know you must have read several


Compromises Married Couples Need To Make

How to compromise in a relationship is an art that both couples need to learn and master for what they both share to thrive. Some couples go into marriage with the cliche of “happily ever after” forgetting that this happens by hard work and not some magic wand or some wishes or even vows made


10 Signs He No Longer Loves You

That you are reading this post tells me you are noticing some signs he no longer loves you and you are here to either confirm your fear or just to know so you can monitor events between you two closely. When a man has fallen out of love or gotten rid of the butterflies in


10 Things To Do To Make Your Relationship Stronger

How to keep a relationship stronger involves a whole lot of things and not a laid back approach. Relationships are like any living organism which looks healthy and well kept when fed rightly but looks haphazard when neglected and not properly taken care of. The amount of energy you put into making any relationship work