20 Old-Fashioned Dating Habits

Let’s face it: dating has never been as easy as falling off a bike. Probably because a broken heart takes a lot more time to heal than a broken leg. Given the intimidating and complex nature of the dating rituals and people’s innate ability to learn from their own and other people’s mistakes, popular wisdom


30 Signs She Is a Keeper

“A man is lucky if he is the first love of a woman. A woman is lucky if she is the last love of a man,” Charles Dickens. At a certain point in life, all males start looking for that ‘last love’ Dickens talks about, a woman to stand by their side unconditionally, for better


100 Encouraging Words For Husband

Everyone needs a hand. We all need a raise in life. Life can be challenging with so many ups and downs especially having to juggle between love, life and family. Hard times will definitely show up and it is in times like these that encouraging word for husband comes in handy. It is true that


200 “I Miss You” Love Messages

Miss you messages for lovers is one tool to jumpstart or preserve an already existing relationship. It involves being open about how you want to be with them. What’s your typical conversation with your better half like? Does texting only come in as a quick tool for errands or inquiries? Can I tell you a